With gift cards, you have the ability to give your customers a unique, autogenerated gift card code containing a balance, which can be used on credit card and purchase order stores. This will make it easier for you to create discounts on corporate/business and incentive stores! It will also help with offering additional perks to your stakeholders.
Gift cards are ideal for keeping track of balances! The gift card balance automatically updates to reflect the amount spent. The customer can go back to the store and spend the remaining balance. Codes are also autogenerated. Saving you the trouble of creating your own.
Note: This feature and article will be updated consistently as we improve this feature with your feedback. Be sure to regularly check back, as things might be a little different the next time you login!
Jump Ahead:
Creating a Gift Card
Importing Gift Cards from Another Store
Emailing Gift Cards
Gift Cards on the Store
Editing a Gift Card
Deleting a Gift Card
Gift Cards on Reporting
Frequently Asked Questions
Creating a Gift Card
Step 1: Click "Edit Store".
Step 2: Click on the "Rewards" tab.
If previously created gift cards are on the store, they will appear on this screen. If no gift cards exist, there will be a "You currently have no gift cards created for..." message.
Step 3: Click the green "Create Gift Card" button.
A "Create Gift Cards" window will open.
Step 4: Type in the "Gift Card Amount".
Step 5: Enter the desired "Number of Gift Cards".
Step 6: Add any "Email" addresses (optional) to be associated with those Gift Cards.
Step 7: Click Create Gift Cards once complete.
Pro Tip: Save time by copying and pasting the email address straight from Excel or your contact lists!
Pro Tip: Don't have email addresses for all the gift cards? No problem! The number of gift cards generated will match the number selected and the entered email addresses will be randomly assigned to gift cards.
The gift card table is now created! The codes are autogenerated and cannot be edited or entered manually.
This table can be downloaded as a CSV file to easily share it with the point of contact for easy distribution.
Step 1: Click the down arrow to the right of the "Add Gift Cards" button.
Step 2: Click "Download CSV."
Once the CSV has downloaded, it will open in Excel, and the codes will have four hyphens separating the numbers.
The customer can paste the code with or without the hyphens into the store and it will be applied to the balance regardless. Additional gift cards can be added by clicking the green "Add Gift Cards" button, located at the top right corner of the page.
Importing Gift Cards from Another Store
Step 1: To get started, use the Copy Store feature to duplicate an existing store.
Step 2: Open the new store and click on the "Edit Store" tab.
Step 3: Navigate to the "Gift Cards" tab and click "Import from Store".
Step 4: A dialog box will appear and prompt you to select the existing store that you'd like to import gift cards from. Use the search box to find the store you want to import the gift cards from and click "Import Gift Cards".
Step 5: Once the gift cards have been successfully imported, you’ll see an import confirmation. Click "Okay".
Note: You can also import gift cards to a store that already has gift cards. Simply click the "Add Gift Cards" drop-down in the top-right corner and select "Import Gift Cards".
Things to note:
- Only stores with gift cards will appear in the search box, displaying the last 50 stores in order of close date.
- All gift cards will be imported (all or nothing).
- Gift cards that are imported from one store to another will work on both stores.
- Gift cards are not copied over when you copy a store.
Emailing Gift Cards
Gift cards can be emailed individually to each customer as long as there is an email address associated with that gift card.
- Hover over the gift card.
- Click the icon.
- The Email Gift Card window will open.
- Edit the email subject line text by clicking the Subject Line text box
- The email message is pre-scripted to include the store name (which links to the store), the customer's balance and gift card code. The body of the email can't be changed, only the Subject Line.
- Click the green Send button to send the email to the customer
- To send gift cards in bulk you will repeat the process making sure to select the top left bubble which will select all gift cards. After you can click the actions drop-down, and select email!
Gift Cards on the Store
- Customers will see a Gift Card or Coupon Code box below their cart total.
- Type (or copy and paste) the gift card code in this box and click Apply.
Pro Tip: On stores with both credit card and purchase order products: If an order contains a mix of both credit card and purchase order products, the gift card amount will be deducted from the credit card products first.
- Once added, the customer will see the last four digits of the gift card.
Pro Tip: More than one gift card can be added to an order. Type the additional codes in the gift card box and click Apply.
- Gift cards function just like any other form of payment. The gift card amount will be taken off of the cart total after added store fees, shipping, and/or sales tax have been calculated.
- Note: If the gift card covers the full order total, no billing address will be collected. If you do not have a shipping option on the store to collect an address, no calculated sales tax will be added to the order (only manual taxes). You will want to make sure you either collect the customer's shipping address or add a default destination with the Pick-Up shipping option. To learn more about adding shipping to your stores, you can take a look here.
- The customer will also see the applied gift cards on their receipt.
Editing a Gift Card
- Go to the Gift Cards tab.
- Click the icon to the right of the gift card.
- An Edit Gift Card window will appear
- The Associated Email Address can be changed. Type in the new email address.
- Type a dollar amount in the Amount to be added box to add additional funds to the gift card.
- The additional funds will appear in the summary below.
- Click the green Save button once desired changes are complete.
- The gift card will now reflect the most recent edits.
- Bulk changes can be made by clicking the dot in the main section to select all gift cards on the page or click the dots next to any specific gift cards.
- It will indicate how many gift cards the change will affect.
- Click the green Actions button.
- Select the desired bulk action.
Deleting A Gift Card
- Go to the Gift Cards tab.
- Click the icon, to the right of the gift card.
- A confirmation message will appear.
- Click the red Remove button to complete the deletion.
- Deleting gift cards is permanent and cannot be reversed.
Gift Card Usage on Reports
Gift Card Tab
- Once a gift card is used, the remaining balance will adjust to reflect the change.
Transaction Report
- The Transaction Report has an added gift card filter under Payment Methods.
- This can assist will creating gift card invoices to the client.
Order Report
If more than one payment method is used on an order (two gift cards or one gift card and a credit card), the Payment Method will say "Split" on the Order Report.
Manage Orders
On the Manage Orders tab, the payment method will show the last 4 digits of the gift card used on the order.
Differences Between Gift Cards and Coupons
Gift cards and coupons can be use interchangeably in certain scenarios, but in order to see which works best for you, check out the table below!
Starting on Feb 1, a fee of $0.99 on all orders that total $0. This excludes orders that have a gift card or coupon applied!
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Will these work on multiple stores?
A: Gift cards that are imported from one store to another will work on both stores.
Q: Can gift card balances be edited?
A: Additional funds can be added to a gift card. Funds cannot be manually deducted.
Q: Does this work on Purchase Order Stores or Products?
A: Yes, it works on purchase order stores or products. On stores with both credit card and purchase order products: If an order contains a mix of both credit card and purchase order products, the gift card amount will be deducted from the credit card products first.
Q: How much does this cost me?
A: The 3.95% OMG fee is applied to purchases made with gift cards.
Q: Can I create my own gift card codes?
A: Gift card codes are all autogenerated. Custom codes cannot be added.
Learn how to refund gift cards here!
Now that you've learned how to use the gift cards feature, there are a lot more new features in this update. Click here to learn how to use our Live Inventory feature. Click here to learn how to use our global order management page. Click here to learn how to integrate with Quickbooks Desktop.
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