Are you ready to launch your store, but you don't want to offer products to everyone that should only be going to one group? Code Groups will help you specify which customers get to shop for which products. Code Groups are a subset of Redemption Stores and can now be easily created within the Rewards tab. They serve as an effective means to enable multiple customers to shop on a single store while restricting their access to other store products. Each customer entering the store with their unique code will see the products assigned to their respective code group.
For instructions on setting up a Redemption Store, please refer to the Help Center article on Redemption Stores.
Setting Up Your Code Groups
Step 1: Add all the products you will need to your store in the Products tab.
Step 2: Select the appropriate products and categorize them according to the Code Groups you will later create.
Note: A Code Group can have an assortment of products from different categories if given the option when setting up your groups. They can be assigned multiple products from other categories.
Step 3: Click the Rewards tab. Then, create the desired number of custom codes in the Rewards tab using the “Create Redemption Codes” button.
Note: This step must be done before creating any Code Groups and is a precondition of creating said groups.
Step 4: Once your codes have been created, click into the “Code Groups” tab.
Step 6: Now that you have completed the pre-requisites, click “Create Code Groups” and begin the process of setting up your groups. You can only create one group at a time.
Step 7: Click “Edit” on a single Code Group you would like to edit and select the products from your list to activate, then click “Save”.
- The “Category Min” and “Max” quantity steppers on the upper right-hand side of the groups window will enable you to set limits on the number of products available for redemption on each category.
- The number of Active Products is also displayed above the steppers if you need to reference how many options you have available within a group
Assigning Codes to Code Groups
Once you have your code groups set up, you'll want to assign codes to them in order for them to work properly. To do this, follow these steps. Click the “Codes” section. Select two or more of the Redemption Codes, click “Bulk Actions” and then select the appropriate Code Group to assign those codes to.
- To associate a single code to a group, click “Edit” and select the Code Group in the following window.
- You can also create a new Code Group within this window.
Success! Your Redemption Codes have now been associated to a Code Group. Code Groups offer a powerful solution for managing access and customization within Redemption Stores. A few things to note:
- Points can only be added, they cannot be manually deducted.
- The .CSV file does not display Code Groups.
- Emails and Alternative Custom Codes can still be associated to Redemption Codes.
- The $0.99 OMG fee is applied to per order fee regardless of customer cart total and is applicable to Redemption Store orders only.
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