When adding Purolator as a shipping carrier, you will need to know your Purolator account number, production key and production key password.
- Go to Purolator’s E-Ship Web Services Registration page to login
- Login to the website if you already have an account, or click Register if you don’t
- Click on the “Ready For Production” button and follow the instructions on how to request a key
- Once done, you will receive an email with your Production Key
- Your Production Key will not be active immediately
- As explained in the email, you should receive a call from Purolator within the next few days to activate it
- If you do not hear from them, you can reach them at 1-800-459-5599
Now that you have your Purolator Production Key and Password, click here to learn how to add Purolator or any other shipping carriers to our system.
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