Do you need a quick and easy way to find out how much product you need to order once a store closes? Our software has the ability to quickly generate a Purchase Order that you can use to order products from a vendor in only a few clicks.
If you are just looking for a list of all products ordered on a store, we do have a few other options that also show the same information but are sorted differently. Click here to go to the article that shows all the ways to find a list of products purchased within a store.
Step 1: Locate a store that you want to generate a Purchase Order for.
Step 2: Click on the Purchase Orders tab.
The Purchase Order report sorts all products ordered by brand, then style number, color, and size.
Step 3: Enter your billing address in the Bill To section if you are planning on sending this Purchase Order to a vendor. (Note: Address for Purchase Order Report pulls from Billing Address in Intel. This changes the address for both Bill to and Ship to in the POR.)
Step 4: Enter a Purchase Order #, Account #, and Shipping Address.
The Purchase Order report defaults to showing the COGS (Cost of Goods Sold). Click here to learn how to add COGS to each product on your store.
Step 5: Click on the white space next to Base Unit Price to open a dropdown menu to choose from COGS, Retail Price, or Base Price to show on your Purchase Order.
There are two filters that you can use for the Purchase Order report — Filter by Date or Filter by Manufacturers.
Step 6: Click on the Filter By Date button and a calendar will pop up, allowing you to choose a date range to filter for orders within that range.
Step 7: Click on the Filter by Manufacturers button and a dropdown of all Brands ordered will appear, where you can click on the brand you would like to see.
Pro Tip: With just a few clicks, you can make a separate PO for each vendor when filtering by manufacturers.
Step 8: Click the green Generate PO in the bottom right to generate a purchase order pdf.
Here is an example of what the Purchase Order looks like:
Now that you've learned how to quickly make Purchase Orders to send to the vendors, click here to learn how to set up a Work Order to send to your decorator.
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