Congrats! Your store has closed and you are now ready to have the products decorated. Thankfully the Work Orders tool allows you to create detailed work orders right within a store! Replace handwritten work orders with this easy-to-use report.
Work Orders create a more decorator-friendly output, reducing the overall size of the Work Order, and gives you more control to select the information you need.
Selecting product options and personalizations
Creating a work order
First: Navigate to "Work Orders" - in the Fulfill section of the store.
Second: Click "Create Work Order" to build the first work order.
Third: Add a Work Order name.
Fourth: Select the Decoration Type for the artwork.
Fifth: Select a color from the dropdown (optional).
Note: Custom types and custom colors can be added by typing in the name and clicking Create option.
Add any additional colors by clicking the Add Color button in the Colors section.
You can upload multiple artwork options (optional) to the work order under Upload New Attachment by clicking "Choose File" and selecting the file from your computer. The following file types can be uploaded: .pdf, .png, .jpeg, .dst, .eps, .ai
Assigning work orders to products
A product can have multiple work orders depending on the decoration requirements.
First: Click "Add Work Order" and select the desired work order from the dropdown list.
Second: Select a location for the logo using the "Placement" dropdown.
Pro Tip: Additional options can be added by typing into the box and selecting the "Create a custom placement" option.
Note: A work order can be removed from a product by clicking the trashcan icon located in the upper right corner of the work order.
Selecting product options & personalization
Decoration types that are only available on specific sizes, colors, and logos can be indicated on the work order.
First: Click the gear icon located on the work order.
Second: Select the desired logos, sizes and/or colors to be included on the work order.
Third: Click "Save" options and personalizations are added.
The product has now been added to the work order! Continue adding work orders to all the products.
Generate Work Order PDFs
Work Orders can be generated individually or all at once. Individual reports are ideal if working with more than one decorator.
Generate All Work Orders
Click the green "Generate All Work Orders" button in the upper right corner and the work order will generate as a PDF.
Generate Specific Work Orders
First: Click the white box in the bottom left corner of the work orders that need to be generated.
Second: Click the green "Generate Work Order" button. The button will reflect the number of selected work orders. And the work order will generate as a PDF.
When you click on Generate Work Orders, it will allow you to select the specific information you want to include with your work order:
- Work Order Summary
- Personalization Summary
- Decorator's Proof (single image)
- Decorator's Proof (multi-image)
- Include Product Image Summary
Work Order Details
To add a summary page to the work order...
First: Select the green "Add Work Order Details" before clicking the green "Generate Work Orders" button.
Second: A "Work Order Details" form will pop up. Here you can type out all the necessary information. You can select the order date as well as include the In Hands date.
Third: Click "Save"
Note: Once you have added this information, if you need to make any changes to the information you entered, you can click "Expand" and it will allow you to make any changes to the information you entered.
Personalization Report - Displays personalization details (if applicable) broken down by product style in a PDF
Note: For more information on creating personalization reports to attach to your work order, click here.
Decorator's Proof (single vs multi-image) - Provides decorators a visual reference to confirm colors, location, and size
You can select to include a single-image decorator proof or a multi-image.
Select "Single Image" if:
- you have one image on one product style/color
Select "Multi-Image" if:
- you have one logo for one product with multiple color options
- you have multiple products with the same logo
- you have multiple products with multiple color options
Include Product Image Summary- an overview of each product included on the work order including the style number, product name, color, and the total amount ordered for the product.
Viewing your work order PDF
If added, the first page of the work order PDF will be the Work Order details. If multiple work orders were generated at once, each one will have a page listing the work order details. All products with an assigned work order will have a page in the work order PDF, and if selected, there will be a personalization report included.
Send your new work orders off to your decorators and you are all set! Put your feet up and bask in your success!
Pro Tip: You don't have to wait until the store closes to complete the work order. Create the work orders ahead of time so the fulfillment process goes that much smoother!
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