Have you created a custom product and now you need to add size and color options? Or, maybe you want to add an upcharge for sizing. Follow the guide below as we walk through how to accomplish this!
How do I add Sizes, Colors, and Other Options to Products?
If you are using one of our Verified Products, size, and color options will appear automatically as seen below. Click here to learn the proper way to add a verified product to your store.
Adding an Option to a Product
Step 1: Begin by clicking on the "Sizes & Options" tab after clicking into the desired product.
Step 2: Click "Add Option".
Step 3: Click the dropdown to "Select an Option".
Step 4: After you select the option, you'll be able to make any final changes to the option before clicking the "Checkmark" to save the option to the product.
Step 5: Success! The option has now been added to the product.
Creating an Option using Mangage Global Options
If the option you want to add has not yet been created it won't appear in the dropdown. You'll need to create the option using the "manage global option" button. Once you create a Global Option it will be available for any product account-wide.
Step 1: Begin by clicking on the "Sizes & Options" tab after clicking into the desired product.
Step 2: Click "manage global options" in the bottom right of the tab.
Step 3: Select an option under Add Options.
- "Add New Size Option" to add a new size option.
- Add "New Color Option" to add a new color option.
- Add "New Option" to add a general option. An example would be "Last Name on Back", or "Number on Sleeve".
Step 4: Fill in the fields for your new option.
- Internal Name: How this option will appear in the accounts option list.
- Display Name: How the name will appear on the front end of your online store.
- Input Type:
- Choice: Drop-down options for customers to choose from. This is most often used for color and size. To add drop-down options simply start typing in the name of the option you want to offer then click enter/return on your keyboard after each entry.
- Short Text: Text box where the customer can type in one continuous line.
- Long Text: Text box where the customer can type in a line-by-line format.
Pro Tip: Both short and long text contain the same character limit.
Step 5: If selecting an Input Type of "Choice" you'll need to select a "Kind" option. This option can be General, Size, Color, or Logo.
Step 6: Click the "Checkmark" on the right-hand side to save your option.
Step 7: Click the green "Done" button in the bottom-right of the page.
Step 8: Follow the above steps in the "Adding an Option to a Product" section of the article to add this new option to your product.
Editing a Global Option
If you ever want to edit an option after it's been created you will:
Step 1: Click into the "manage global options" page.
Step 2: Select the "Pencil" to the right of the option.
Step 3: You can now edit the Name, Input Type, and Choice of the option.
Step 4: After you make all applicable changes, save the option by clicking the "Checkmark".
Step 5: Click the green "Done" button at the bottom right of the page.
Note: Deleting options cannot be undone and may affect stores/products with the option applied.
Customize your option when adding to a product
- Option Value: Click Select Values to show the values you want to offer and display on the product.
- Make Required: Check this box if the option is mandatory. The customer then must choose, select, or answer that option to add the product to their cart.
- Extra Price: Add any additional price for the product options.
- Upcharges: Once your values are selected, type in a price next to each option to add an additional charge for that value only.
Pro Tips: Colors can often vary by manufacturer. Build color options for each manufacturer you use so that the colors you need will exactly match the option.
For a more detailed overview on creating/adding an option click here. It's always best to view the storefront and look at each product as your customer would. Doing this you may find missing/added upcharges, unrequired options, etc.
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