If you are needing to add additional colors or sizes to verified products in our system, you can do so by adding to the created size/color options existing on the product. You won't be able to delete those options so instead, you can add to them.
To create additional drop-down options for personalizations or logos on products, take a look here.
Step 1: Edit Store.
Step 2: Go to the Products tab.
Step 3: Add the verified product to your store.
Step 4: Go to the Sizes & Options tab.
Step 5: Click the Pencil icon next to the Size or Color options.
Note: For a walkthrough on adding verified products to your stores, click here.
Step 6: In the "Enter More Choices" box, type out the size or color you wish to add to the options, clicking enter on your keyboard after each option.
Step 7: Click the check mark to save the options created.
Step 8: If you added a color option and need to add the image to match that option, go to the Images tab.
Step 9: Click Upload Image.
Step 10: Select the file to upload from your Files.
Step 11: Once it uploads you can set a caption on the photo.
Step 12: Under the Corresponding Color Option, select the color option that you created.
Now when you look at the product on the store, you will see the new color/size option that you created as an option, as well as the image associated with it when you select that option.
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