Everyone loves to have shirts, hats, or accessories that are customized just for them. You can give your customers the same joy by adding a "personalization/customization" option to the products in your store! This could be anything like a name, player number, job title or position, etc. Read on to find out how to add a dropdown, number, and short text choice option, or jump ahead to the section you need to see:
- How to create an option
- Dropdown options
- Text options
- Number options
- Adding an existing option to a product
How to Create an Option
No matter what kind of option you’re trying to create for your products, all options will start with the same basic steps in the creation product – getting to the option’s setup and settings:
Step 1: Go to edit your store and navigate to the Products tab.
Step 2: Select a product and switch to the product’s Sizes & Options tab.
Step 3: Click “Manage Global Options” in the bottom-right corner to open the Global Options Manager.
Step 4: Choose the type of option you want to create on the left (if it’s not specifically a color or size, just choose “New Option”).
Step 5: Enter the internal name and display name for the option (this is just what you want to call the option – the internal name will appear in the back end and reporting, while the display name will appear on the storefront).
Note: The display name will automatically populate to match the internal name, but you can change it to reflect whatever you want.
Step 6: Follow the steps for creating various options depending on the type of option you are trying to make (follow the links below for more detail):
Dropdown options
Dropdown options allow your customers to click on a field on the storefront and make a single choice from a predetermined list of choices that you’ve provided.
Step 1: To create a dropdown option, change the “Input Type” field to “Choice”
Step 2: Designate the kind of information that will be conveyed by this field by making a selection from the “Kind” field.
Step 3: Enter one of the choices you want to be available to your customers in the “Drop-down Options” field and click “Enter/Return” on your keyboard (it will appear above the text field in a gray block). Repeat this step as necessary for each additional choice you want to offer.
Step 4: When you have entered all the choices you want to make available, make sure to click the black checkmark in the top-right corner of the Add New Option box. Then, click “Done” in the bottom-right corner of the Global Options Manager.
Text options
Text options allow customers to manually type information in a text field on the product’s page. This information will be recorded exactly as the customer typed it when the order is compiled, as well as in any reporting or back-end page.
Step 1: To create a text option, change the “Input Type” field to “Short Text” or “Long Text”
Pro Tip: The only difference between the short text and long text fields is that the long text fields will allow customers to use line breaks (i.e., click “enter/return” on their keyboard) to make multiple lines of text. Typically, any text field can just be a short text field.
Step 2: Once you’ve selected the input type, make sure to click the black checkmark in the top-right corner of the Add New Option box. Then, click “Done” in the bottom-right corner of the Global Options Manager.
Number options
A number option can be either a choice or a short text option, but it’s typically recommended to make it an exclusive choice option, especially if the store is geared toward a single team or organization. An exclusive choice option is an option wherein the same choice cannot be selected by multiple customers for that individual product – information about how to make a choice option exclusive will be included in the next section, “Add an Existing Option to a Product”.
Step 1: Select your preferred input type (remember, only choice options can be made exclusive).
Note: If you selected choice, be sure to also select the kind of data the field represents (size, color, logo, or “general” if non-specific).
Step 2: If you selected “Choice” from the “Input Type” field, skip this step. If you selected a text option, go ahead and click the black checkmark in the top-right corner of the Add New Option box. Then, click “Done” in the bottom-right corner of the Global Options Manager.
Step 3: If you selected “Choice” from the “Input Type” field, you should now designate the kind of information that will be conveyed by this field by making a selection from the “Kind” field.
Step 4: Enter one of the choices you want to be available to your customers in the “Drop-down Options” field and click “Enter/Return” on your keyboard. Repeat this step as necessary for each additional choice you want to offer.
Step 5: When you have entered all the choices you want to make available, make sure to click the black checkmark in the top-right corner of the Add New Option box. Then, click “Done” in the bottom-right corner of the Global Options Manager.
Adding an Existing Option to a Product
The final step is, of course, to add the option you’ve created to a product. With a few slight variances, the same steps apply to every type of option you can make.
Step 1: In the product’s Sizes & Options tab, click “+ Add Option” in the bottom-left corner.
Step 2: Click on the “Option Name” field and select the option you created from the drop-down menu.
Step 3: Make any of the following adjustments as needed:
- If it’s a choice option, select the choices you want to be available from the “Option Value” drop-down menu. Choices that have been made available will appear at the top in blue.
- Check the “Make Required?” box if you don’t want this product to be added to the shopping cart without making a selection or providing input to that field.
- Enter the price addition to be added to the product’s base price if this option is used by the customer. You may also want to enter price adjustments for each individual choice if your option is a choice option with differently valued choices.
- For a text field, if you want the extra price to be charged per character, make sure the “Charge Per Character?” checkbox is checked.
- For a text field, enter a number for a character limit if you want one. Do not enter a value for character limit on a choice option – if you do this, the product will not be able to be added to the shopping cart as the character limit requirement cannot be satisfied.
- If your option is a choice option and you don’t want multiple customers to be able to select the same choice, make sure the “Make Exclusive?” box is checked.
Step 4: Once the option has been configured to your liking, click the green checkmark to the right of the option settings to finalize your specifications and add the option to the product.
You officially know how to create new options of different kinds and add them to the products on your store! These can be a great way to identify team members and employees, or for fans and family to show their support. Did you know that you can add similar custom fields to checkout as well? Find out more here!
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