With the Quickbooks Desktop Integration, you can download an .IIF file of OrderMyGear deposit information to import into QuickBooks Desktop. This file imports the following information from OMG to QuickBooks Desktop:
- Sale Organization Name
- Sale Net Amount
- Sale Name
- Sale Code
If you use Quickbooks Online, click here to learn the steps to set up that integration.
Table of Contents:
Setting Up Quickbooks Integration
Exporting Quickbooks Files
Disconnecting Integration
Frequently Asked Questions
Setting Up Quickbooks Desktop Integration
Step 1: Navigate to Dealer Settings and click Integrations in the left-side navigation.
Note: Only Owner and Accountant roles can access the Integrations page. If you are the Owner or Accountant of your business and cannot access the Integrations page, email support@ordermygear.com or reach out to your account manager for assistance.
Step 2: Select "QuickBooks Desktop" from the drop-down.
Step 3: Click the "Connect" button.
Step 4: Click the "Enable" button to activate the integration.
Step 5: Next, click the link to download the .IIF file. This file must be imported into QuickBooks Desktop in order for the integration to work. You only need to do this once and it must be done before importing any OMG deposit information into QuickBooks. See FAQs at the bottom of this article for more information about what’s included in this file.
Note: It is highly recommended that you backup your QuickBooks company file before uploading any information from OMG to ensure that you have all important data saved. This will protect your data in the event of any issues arising from uploading OMG deposit information.
Step 6: Next, import the OMG-ITEMS.iif file into Quickbooks Desktop.
Step 7: Upon upload of the OMG deposit information, Quickbooks Desktop will show a dialog box that shows the details of the upload.
Note: If there are any failed Lists or Transactions, there will be a file to download so that you can see which errors were encountered.
Exporting Quickbooks Files
Once you have completed the one-time import of the OMG-ITEMS.IIF file and settings are confirmed, the integration is active and you will be able to download .IIF files for completed deposits and upload them into Quickbooks Desktop.
Step 1: To download OMG deposit data, navigate to the Accounting page in the top navigation and click on Deposits on the left-side navigation.
Step 2: Select the deposit statement you'd like to export.
Step 3: Once the statement has been selected, click on the green box found below the net amount on the deposit to initiate the export.
Disconnecting the Integration
Step 1: If you need to disconnect from the integration at any point, simply navigate to the Integrations page and click the "Settings" button.
Step 2: Click the red "Disable" button and click Done.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: What is the benefit of the QuickBooks Desktop Integration?
A: This integration allows you to quickly download a file from OMG and import it to QuickBooks so you can match the information to the deposit from your bank in order to make deposit reconciliation much easier. This helps eliminate keying errors from manually transferring the information from OMG to QuickBooks.
Q: What information is imported to QuickBooks Desktop from OMG?
A: The following information is imported from OMG to QuickBooks Desktop: Sale Organization Name, Sale Net Amount, Sale Name, Sale Code
Q: Why do I have to download the OMG-Items.IIF file and import it to QuickBooks before I can use the integration?
This file has information to create a new Item and Account in your QuickBooks software, which is necessary to read the QuickBooks files that you will be importing. You only need to download it from OMG and import it to QuickBooks once.
Q: What is included in the OMG-ITEMS.IIF file?
A: There are two things added to your Chart of Accounts: OrderMyGear and Accounts Receivable (most already have this account). There is also an Item created called OMG Store.
Q: Why do I need to create a company backup file before I import .IIF files from OMG? A; Generally, it’s a good practice for all QuickBooks users to create regular backups of company information so that there is recent, reliable backup information. This is beneficial for the OMG-QuickBooks integration as well because it makes it simple to restore previous settings if you do not like the way OMG deposit information populates into QuickBooks.
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