With this integration, you can automatically push order information from your OMG stores into ASI SmartBooks.
If you need assistance with acquiring the credentials that are required for set up of this feature, you can reach out to the ASI SmartBooks at sales@asicomp.com or call (800) 544-1274.
Set Up ASI SmartBooks Integration
In order to get your orders into ASI Smartbooks, we must first set up the integration within the OMG App. Here's how to do it!
Step 1: Navigate to "Dealer Settings" from the OMG homepage.
Step 2: Click "Integrations" from the "My Account" menu.
Step 3: Click the green "Connect" button to the right of "ASI Smartbooks".
Step 4: Enter in the connection URL, client ID, and password.
Note: the "Client Secret" field will be where you enter in your password.
Step 5: Click "Connect" to save the changes.
Exported Fields
Need an extensive list of what fields are exported into ASI Smartbooks? Click the attachment below!
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