Within a product, you can assign specific images to specific colors - improving the overall shopping experience of the customer and making your reporting more accurate!
Getting started
Step 1: Select a store
Step 2: Edit Store
Step 3: Click on the Products tab.
Step 4: Select the product that needs to be updated.
Step 5: Click on the Images tab.
A new column called "Corresponding Color Option" is now visible on this page. This column shows the color assigned to the corresponding image.
Pro Tip: Hover over the i icon for more info on this feature.
Assigning colors to images
A warning message will appear at the top of the page if a color option does not have an image associated with it.
Verified products will automatically have a corresponding color option selected. Assigning colors to images will only be necessary for manually added products, images, or colors. You can select the associated color for the image from the "Select Corresponding Color" dropdown.
Editing a product image
You can use the "Test our new Image Editor" button to edit the product image or add any desired artwork to the image. Additionally, you can use the legacy "edit" icon located to the right of the product image, next to the legacy "clone" and "trash" icons.
Expanding an image
Hovering over the product image will reveal a magnifying glass icon. To see an expanded view, click on the image.
On the storefront
When a customer selects a color, the image now automatically changes to show the corresponding image.
The correct image will also appear in the customer's Shopping Cart.
On reporting
Accurate product images have been added to the "Product Report" when looking at order products with the filter of "Include Product Artwork" toggled on.
Newly generated receipts also have the correct product images.
These additions help eliminate customer confusion while shopping, allowing customers to instantly see exactly what they are purchasing. For OMG users, product images on orders are helpful when editing or fulfilling orders.
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