Do you have a custom line of products that only you use? Our software lets you create dealer products that can be easily reused in all your stores or catalogs.
If you have already created a dealer product and need to make edits to it, click here.
Adding and Requesting Verified Products
Before making a dealer product, did you know you can search from over 50,000 products in our verified database? Click here to learn how to add a verified product to your store.
If you can't find the product you need, you can email our Service Team the missing product's brand and style number, and they will get that product ready to be added to our Verified Products database. You will email the brand and style number to Once successfully added, you can search for this product just like any other verified product.
If you can't wait 1 - 2 days, then the second best option is to create a Dealer product.
- Hover over the Products section at the top of your page.
- Click on Dealer Products from the dropdown menu.
- Click on the green + button to start adding a new dealer product.
- A new screen should appear that will be used to input all the details of the product.
Product Information:
- Type in a Name for your product.
- Select a Brand name from the dropdown menu or type in a brand and press Enter.
- Type in a unique style number for this product.
- Type in a description for the product.
- Click the + Add a Feature button to add some bullet points in the description of a product.
- This is how the description and features will look after the product has been added to the store.
- Type in the default MSRP for the product. This amount will populate as the Base Price when the product is added to a store.
- Type in the weight of the product. It defaults to ounces, but you can click on the dropdown menu to change it to pounds, grams, or kilograms.
Pro Tip: Weights are used with our calculated shipping feature to help more accurately charge customers the correct shipping cost. Click here to learn more about this feature.
Sizes & Colors:
- Click on the + button to add a product variation. The first time you click on this button the option will default to be sizes.
- In the Option Values box, type in the sizes you would like to add one at a time. Press Enter after every size to save it. The size should turn green when saved.
- Each size entered will create a new variation.
- It is optional, but you can type in weights and the MSRP per size, which will override the numbers you entered earlier.
- Click the + button again to add a Color option.
- In the Option Values box, type in the colors you would like to add one at a time. Press Enter after every color to save it. The color should turn green when saved.
- Each color entered will create a new variation for each of the sizes you added earlier.
- Click the Add Photo button to upload pictures of the colors.
- Once uploaded, each image will show up next to the Add Photo button with individual sizes and color options.
- Click the sizes, colors, or select all buttons to associate the uploaded pictures with the correct sizes and colors.
- Once completed, click on the Complete button to finish creating a dealer product.
Adding Dealer Products to a Store:
- Locate the store you would like to add the product to.
- Click Edit Store and go to the Products tab.
- Use the search bar to find your product by searching for the name or style number.
- Verified products are always shown first when searching. Scroll down on the list to see the dealer products.
- Click on the product to add it to your store.
This dealer product is now available for you to add to any store you want!
Pro Tip: Verified and dealer products share quantity limits across ALL stores that have quantity limit tracking enabled. Tracking quantity limits for a custom product will limit the quantity level (and the ability for sales to update that value) to the store in which it was created.
Edit Created Dealer Products
- To edit the Basic Info on the product, click the Style, Description, or Features options and it will allow you to type in and make any needed edits.
- Note: you will not be able to edit the brand of the product once the product is created
- If you need to add a new feature option, you can click “Add a Feature” and type in the new option you want to add
For the Options & Variants, you can
- Edit SKU’s, Weights, and Prices
- Change All Prices
- Change All Weights
- Bulk Delete
- Remove Images
- Create New Sizes or New Colors
- Edit Images
- Reorder the size/color options
First, select the options you want to make changes to using the checkboxes to the left of each option. You can filter down to a specific size or color by clicking the option next to Filter.
Then from the Bulk Actions drop-down, select what change you want to make:
- Edit SKUs, Weights, and Prices- allows you to make individual changes to each size/color combination that you set up.
- Change all Prices or Change All Weights: allows you to type in the price/weight you want to set the options as. Click Complete to save the option.
- Bulk Delete: allows you to delete any sizes/colors that you want to remove from the product
- Remove Images: will remove any product images associated with the options selected
To create a new size on the product:
- Filter the product by selecting a size option
- Select the checkbox to select all options for that size.
- From the Clone As dropdown, you will select New Size
- In the New Size box, type out the new size you want to create, clicking enter on your keyboard between each option
- Click complete
To create a new color on the product,
- Filter the product by selecting a color option
- Select the checkbox to select all options for that color
- From the Clone As dropdown, you will select New Color
- In the New Color box, type out the new colors you want to create, clicking enter on your keyboard between each option
- Click Complete
Edit Images:
- Select the options that you need to add or remove an image on
- Click Edit Images
- To delete images attached, you'll click the Trash Icon. To add images, click Add Photo and it will allow you to select from the images saved to the files on your computer.
- Click Complete
- To rearrange the order that either the sizes or colors show on a product, click on Reorder
- Click & hold the option you want to change and drag it to the order that you want the options to show on the store
- Click Complete
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