Sometimes you didn’t hit minimums or you have a customer who can’t quite fit into those pants they bought, so you will need to remove some or all products from an order and get them their money back!
Note: If you are needing to refund the full order including all taxes/fees or shipping, you can take a look here.
Find an order to refund
Step 1: Select "Manage Orders", found under the Fulfill section of the menu.
Step 2: Click on the "Order ID" of the order you want to refund.
Pro Tip: You can also use the search bar at the top of the application if you know the name of the customer or order id.
Step 3: Click "Edit" to begin editing the order.
Step 4: Click on the "Products" tab.
Refunding a Product
Now that you've made your way to the order, let's refund the product(s) or shipping!
Check the "Remove" box to mark the product to be removed from the order. If more than one product needs to be removed, multiple remove boxes can be selected at once.
Pro Tip: Nothing is official until you click on the green Update Button at the bottom!
Changing Quantities to Refund a Product
Instead of clicking the remove box, you can also change the "Quantity" to zero to remove the product.
Refund a Shipping Option
If the customer paid for shipping, the shipping cost on the order will need to be adjusted in order to fully refund the order.
Step 1: Click on the "Edit" button.
Step 2: Click the dropdown menu and select "Remove Shipping".
Updating the Order
Once you have prepared all the products to be removed, click the green "Update" button. Click here if your order has tiered shipping — additional steps are needed.
Pro Tip: This screenshot shows all three types of removal!
A negative amount will now show in the Total Due row.
Refunding the Money
Step 1: Click the "Charges & Refunds" tab.
On the right-hand side under New credit card refund, the amount needed to be refunded has automatically been transferred to this screen. You cannot manually edit the amount charged or refunded on this screen. All charges and refunds must be associated with a product or line item within the order.
Pro Tip: You cannot edit the amounts on this screen on its own. All orders must match to keep records clean!
Step 2: Add a Description (optional - This description displays on the transaction report. Your customer will not see it on their credit card statement).
Step 3: Select a Payment Method (you can choose the Credit Card that was used for the initial order, check, or cash).
Step 4: Click "Submit refund" – you will get a confirmation message when complete.
Step 5: Click the blue "OK" button.
Your exchange and charge/refund is now complete! A new receipt will generate for this order. This receipt can be found on the order’s overview, below the Billing Information. Your customer will not receive a copy of the new receipt unless you download and send it to him/her.
Pro Tip: There is a daily refund limit of $500. If you need to refund more than that in a day, please call our Support Team at 214-730-0121.
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