Communication is key! Figuring out how to communicate product changes, respond to questions about orders, or provide shipment updates can be incredibly time-consuming. Good thing your store has several tools that make contacting customers quick and easy! In this article, we’ll go over how to send those emails and the best method to use depending on your needs.
The article will cover how to send:
Bulk emails
Schedule emails
Product changes or updates
Shipping/Order updates
Bulk emails
Customers can be emailed all at once by using the Email customers button.
Step 1: Click "Email Customers"
Emails can be sent to All customers, Customers who have placed orders, or Customers who have NOT placed an order
Step 2: Click on the All Customers dropdown to select a different email group
Step 3: Type up the communication you’d like to send to the selected customers
Step 4: Click the green Email all button to send the email
Note: All emails sent from the app will be from
Pro Tip: Click the Send me a copy of this email checkbox to receive a record of the sent email!
Schedule emails
Scheduled store reminder emails are another great resource for continued communication with customers. Schedule to have emails sent out to alert customers when the store opens, a reminder to purchase before it closes or notify them that the store is closed.
- Click on Customers - located in the Communicate section
- Select the type of scheduled emails to send
- Click Update settings
New or potential customers can also receive scheduled emails.
Step 1: Type the email address into the New Customer Email box
Step 2: Type a name in the Name box (optional)
Step 3: Click enter (return) on your keyboard to save
Email addresses without orders can be removed by clicking the trashcan icon to the right of the entry
Product changes or updates
At times, customers may need to be contacted if a product is back-ordered, out of stock, or discontinued. This can all be done within the Product Report section.
Step 1:Click Product Report - Located within the Fulfill section
Step 2:Go to the needed product
Step 3:Click the envelope icon to the left of the desired color and size
- The Email Customers page will open
- The page will indicate the number of customers that purchased the product, as well as the product details
Step 4: Add a subject line and type up a message
Step 5: Click the green Email all button located at the bottom left corner of the message
Shipping/Order updates
Another way to email customers is via the Shipping section. Use this section to notify customers when their order is ready for pickup, shipped, or to provide an update of the phase of fulfillment their products are in.
Step 1: Click the checkbox to the left of the desired orders
Step 2: Click the selected dropdown
Step 3: Select Email Customers
- The Email Customers popup will open
- The number of customers being emailed will be indicated
- Add a subject line and type up a message
Step 4: Click the green Send Email button located at the bottom left corner of the message
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