Do you have leftover inventory you need to sell? Want to limit the amount of each product sold? Our software lets you specify the number of units you have available to sell -- down to a specific color for a specific size. You can even share quantity limits across different stores!
To set quantity limits on a product variant (a specific SKU related to the product name, size, and color combination), follow these steps, first go to your store's Products tab and click on the "Track product quantity limits" button to turn on Quantity Limits functionality for the entire store:
Next, you'll locate a product within a store that needs inventory levels set and click on the new Quantity Limits tab, which should appear next to the Sizes & Options tab.
Quantity Limits Tab
On this page you should see the following details:
1. Filters: Clicking on a specific size or color will adjust the variant list to only show those specific items. This is particularly helpful on products that have a lot of variations.
2. Size & Color: Every variant of the offered sizes and colors are listed separately and given a unique SKU.
3. When Sold Out: All products default to "Continue Selling", which means that no matter the quantity left, the store will keep selling that product. You can change it to "Stop Selling", which will stop customers from buying that specific size and color when the quantity reaches 0.
4. Manage Global Quantity Limits: Clicking this button brings you to the "Manage Global Quantity Limits" screen, which is where you will input quantity levels and "When Sold Out" behavior.
If you do not see the quantity limit controls on the Quantity Limits tab, you can click on any of the "Manage Global Quantity Limits" buttons to access these controls.
Pro Tip: Verified and dealer products share quantity limits across ALL stores that have quantity limit tracking enabled. Tracking quantity limits is not advisable for a custom product, but will typically update that quantity (and maintain the ability for sales to update that value) only to the store in which it was created.
Now that you have access to the quantity limit controls, you can enter the quantity of the specific SKU in the box next to the green "Save" button. You should see a preview of how the quantity level will change:
You can then click "Save" to save the quantity, at which point you will see the quantity level to the left update to reflect the value you set.
Setting and Adding
There are two ways to change quantity limits — adding and setting. Our software defaults everything to "Set".
- Set: The number you type in will override the current quantity level to become the new quantity level.
- Add: The number you type in will add to the current quantity level to get you the new level.
Click on the Add button to change the type.
Changing Selling Behavior
After adding quantity limits, we can change the "When Sold Out" selection to "Stop Selling" to make sure that products can't be added to the shopping cart once their quantity reaches 0. to change this behavior, click the checkboxes next to the product variants you want to change:
Next, click the Bulk Actions dropdown menu and select "Stop Selling".
The selected variants will no longer be able to be added to the shopping cart when the quantity level reaches 0.
Reset Quantity Limits
Previously, there has been no way to clear out a value that was set for a SKU - you can set it to zero, but zero is still a value. Therefore, a quantity limit set to zero is not truly cleared out. In response to this issue, we've added a reset function to the Quantity Limits tab and the Global Options Manager, which will allow you to reset the quantity specified for a unique SKU to a blank, null value. In order to reset the quantity on a product SKU, follow these steps:
- Go to the Quantity Limits tab (and the Global Options Manager, for verified products and dealer products).
- Find and select the SKU you want to reset.
- Click the "Bulk Actions" dropdown and select "Update Quantity Limits".
- This will take you to a page where you can click "Reset" and then "Save".
Now that you've added some quantity limits, learn how to use the Group Access Portal to spread the word on your stores!
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