Redemption Stores are a simple way to support rewards and gifting programs for your customers, such as employee recognition & incentives, corporate gifts, holidays & events, and much more. Redemption Stores allows visitors to redeem a product(s) on the storefront with no payment required at checkout. The storefront will be set up such that visitors to the store will be prompted to enter a redemption code before shopping. This code will grant them access to a redemption balance, which they can spend at checkout instead of other forms of payment, such as credit cards or gift cards. This eliminates the need for complicated workarounds for clients that need to set up a store with products that do not have a cost associated with them on the storefront.
Pro-tip: For more accurate reporting, make sure to fill in the pricing fields even though price will not be displayed on the storefront.
Setting Up the Store
The first thing you’ll notice in the store editor is that the Gift Cards tab has been changed to Rewards. In order to change this tab to show the redemption code generator, you’ll need to set the store’s payment type to “Redemption Stores”. You can do so by going into the Payment & Info tab of your store editor and selecting the “Redemption Stores” option.
NOTE: When the “Redemption Stores” option is selected, there will be a tool tip that shows that the OMG fee will be a consistent $0.99 per order, which will not be refunded with returned or canceled orders. Changing a store to a redemption store will also disable the use of the authorized email domains feature.
Once you’ve switched your store’s payment method to “Redemption Stores”, the Rewards tab will display the new table for code creation.
Creating Redemption Codes
After setting up the appropriate payment method for your store, the Rewards tab will show a table that is similar to the Gift Cards table. From here, you can either create redemption codes from scratch or import them from a store in which you have previously created codes.
To create codes from scratch, click the “Add Redemption Codes” button under the Rewards tab. This will bring up the code generator, where you will choose what type of redemption code you want to create. "Default" is single use, "Mulitple use- Unlimited" means anyone who has the code and an email address can use the code, and "Multiple users- limited use" indicates that the code can only be used a certain amount of times, but by multiple users. After deciding which type of code best fits your needs, enter the number of items that the end user will be able to purchase at checkout, the number of codes needed, and the email addresses to associate with those codes so you can alert end users of their codes and balances.
Pro-tip: If your client has provided a list of emails and redemption amounts, you can download the CSV template, copy and paste your list, then upload them to the platform easily by using the dropdown!
After filling out all the necessary information, click the green “Create Codes” button and you’ll be able to see all of the codes that were generated, as well as the associated emails and balances.
NOTE: Codes cannot be altered after they’ve been generated. These are randomly generated to be unique for your storefront use.
Importing Redemption Codes from Other Stores
You can import redemption codes under the Rewards tab by clicking the “Import Redemption Codes” link under the green “Create Redemption Codes” button. Clicking the carrot to the right of the search box will allow you to search for the sale code of the store that you’re importing from. You’ll type the Sale Code in the box that populates under the search.
Selecting a valid store will activate the “Import Codes” button. After clicking “Import Codes”, the codes will populate into this table, along with the email addresses associated with those codes from the previous store and the remaining balance of redeemable items.
You can still import codes from existing stores to this table, even after creating new codes, by clicking the carrot icon to the right of the “Add Redemption Codes” button.
Some things to note:
- Only stores with Redemption Codes will appear in the search box.
- All Redemption Codes will be imported (all or nothing).
- Redemption Codes that are imported from one store to another will work on both stores.
- Redemption codes are not copied over when you copy a store.
Emailing Redemption Codes
Redemption codes can be emailed individually to each customer, as long as there is an email address associated with that redemption code. You can either send an individual message by clicking the “Email” button to the right of the appropriate code, or selecting multiple codes and selecting the “Email” option under the green “Actions” menu.
NOTE: The Actions menu will only turn green when multiple codes are selected.
Whether sending individually or in bulk, selecting the email function will show the “Email Redemption Codes” window. Here, you’ll be able to preview the email that is being sent to end users. Through this window, you can edit the subject line of the email going out, but you will be unable to edit the body of the email.
Redemption Codes on the Store
When accessing a redemption store, end users will be prompted to enter in their code prior to shopping. An icon will appear on the storefront to the left of the cart that shows the number of items that can be redeemed on the store.
NOTE: The limit shown next to the cart icon is static and will not change based on the number of items in the end user’s cart.
Once the store is accessed, the end user will be able to shop for the number of items specified by their code balance. They can also enter multiple redemption codes by clicking the item count next to the cart. A couple of things to keep in mind:
- A “Redemption Limit Met” warning will show in place of a “Success” message when items are added to cart over the redemption limit.
- Customers who have added more items in their cart than their redemption limit will receive a warning at the cart to remove items to reach their redemption limit.
- Bundled items will each count as a single redemption point. A bundle as a whole is not a single redemption.
Redemption Stores on Reporting
Because there are no monetary exchanges happening at checkout, our reporting has been adapted to reflect the number of items redeemed as opposed to the money spent on an order. Here are a few key differences on our reports for Redemption Stores.
- Manage Order report and Product Report will show the number of items redeemed as well as the Product report will show a full breakdown of price additions and unit prices.
- Player report eliminates the “quantity” tab
- Payment method will show “Split”
- Regular version order report will show order subtotal as number of items redeemed.
- The Transaction Report will now have a Redemption toggle along with the other payment methods available in the filters.
- Redemption Amount will be an added column as opposed to a total amount at the report summary.
- OMG fees will show at $0.99.
- Transactions table shows items redeemed on an order in the Amount column.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Can I have sales tax calculated in my redemption store?
A: Unfortunately, due to the payment type being changed to points as opposed to the traditional dollar, it is incompatible with the tax calculation feature. This includes manual taxes as well as the calculate taxes automatically feature.
Q: Am I able to use coupons or gift cards in my redemption store?
A: Coupons work to remove a dollar amount from the end user’s cart. Gift cards are considered payment methods within our system that also apply a dollar amount to the end user’s purchase. Therefore, coupons and gift cards will not work in a redemption store.
Q: Can customers check out with less than their redemption amount?
A: Yes! End users will be able to proceed to checkout with less items than allotted by their redemption balance. The checkout page will show the ending balance above the "Place Order" button.
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